Saturday, June 8, 2013

Nathalia: Embrace 2

Posted by Unknown at 10:34 AM
As the day turns to night, the sounds of war continue but with a longer break between explosions. I step out from the tent and immediately light up my cigarette. I take a drag looking into the night sky to see the stars but the smoke of war has clouded the night sky. I slowly walk away from the medical tent towards the outskirts of the camp. I try to keep fairly hidden as I look out towards the battlefield looking for the creature of habit. I could almost think that it shows every four nights to feed but I watch every night, just in case.
I saw it last night; the head crowned like a horned lizard, plates like a stegosaurus running down its back, and an armored tail whipping across the battlefield. It matches to nothing I have ever read or heard about before. I stare out from my quiet perch in observance of the war zone before me, I can see the pattern of the few soldiers left to patrol scattered across the field. A soft explosion echoes across the sky as I watch the clouds flicker with light.
"привет мой маленький кролик," a voice above me whispers, startling me that I drop my cigarette to the ground.
"я могу вам помочь?" I ask casually as I reach for my pistol without turning around.
"Вы наблюдали за мной, и я наблюдал за тобой.," the gruff voice whispers into my hair as I feel nails raking against the skin of my cheek. "Вы совершенно иная, чем ваши товарищи на поле боя.."
"Вы совершенно иная, чем все, что я когда-либо слышал." I pant back to the voice as I pull back the hammer.
"Вы не принадлежите здесь с этим скотом. Вы вырезанные из тонкой ткани," the gruff voice whispers as I let talons drag the pistol from my hand.
 "Что вы предлагаете?" I ask as I turn to absorb the full view of my conversation partner.
I can see that he is searching for some reaction of shock or fear. I give neither, I have been watching him for too long to suddenly be surprised by his looks now. His eyes clearly can see me, inside of me, who I am and not just what I show. He could break me in half right here where we stand, he could rip the flesh from my body. I smile into his elongated face as I know, I will survive as I always manage to do.


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