Sunday, August 18, 2013

Holly: Ascension 5

Posted by Unknown at 5:18 AM
Molly and I are shared around the town.  Hugs, dances, conversation with so many people that we have come to know in our stay.  I've spotted Sir Thomas a few times, not fully involved in the celebration but I see his foot tapping to the music.  Were we still young, we'd have him running around playing hide and seek in the crowd.  It was fun to think that we could ever hide from him even if he always knew exactly where we were.  Even now, he might not be staring right at us but he could tell exactly who we're talking to and what was said.  He turns his face towards me and I jerk away to hide myself from his gaze, feeling the warmth of blood rising to the tips of my ears in embarrassment.
Why did I turn away like that?  I'm such a nervous idiot.  I could have just smiled or waved like I always have.  I might as well have thrown up a sign reading "I love you!"
I look up to realize that someone has been talking to me.  They're staring at me and I can tell they're waiting for an answer but I didn't hear the question.  I can't gather my thoughts enough to find a graceful response and just simply stare confused with my mouth half open until I hear Molly's familiar voice beside me.
"She's obviously quite flattered by your proposal but her heart is held captive by another," Molly answers for me as she locks her arm in mine.
The older woman gives us an odd look and walks away.  I turn myself to Molly tearing my arm from her grip.
"What was that about?" I ask questioningly.
"She asked you to marry her son, and obviously that's not the man you're going to discuss romance with tonight."


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