Thursday, October 10, 2013

Tavi: Discovery 4

Posted by Unknown at 8:57 AM
After I returned home, I discussed the day's events with my mother over supper.  Her eyebrows moved into a questioning look when I mentioned the ghost-like figures of the girls sliding through our old home.  Both eyebrows raised at the mention of Sophie's name causing me to pause my divulging.
"Did I do something wrong?" I ask cautiously.
"Not at all pet," she says softly.  "Just not someone that I was expecting to hear about from you."
"Is she bad?"
"I'll let you decide what you think about her," mother says with a sigh.  "I always found her to be a bit.. chaotic for my taste.  To say that I don't want you to see her would only push you towards lying and deceit to spend time with her behind me.  You're 187 years old, all I ask is that you be honest with me and tell me what happens.  Don't be surprised if I sometimes reach out mentally for a check on you when you're with her.  Besides, if Katherine would let her children around her then I suppose I could as well."
"Alright mother," I murmur, lost in the thoughts of what my mom could possibly mean about Sophie.


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