My nostrils fill with the scent of lilacs and I can feel wind gently caressing my cheeks. My first instinct is to return to my station as I had been before I passed out but my head will only allow me minimal movement.
"Lay still my child," Ayame~sama's tender voice reaches to me. "Lay still and drink."
The chill of cup prepares my lips for the cool water making it's way into my mouth by the hands of my mistress. I feel at peace; be it because of the water or because the gentle and caring Ayame~sama has returned with her son. Tao'xin and Swamimi Daishin's presence in the room have been replaced by Ayame~sama and General Kaoru. General Kaoru's body curvy like the fans she's rotating. Her fan's movements causing the lengths of her white hair to rise and fall across her face, billowing the lavender fabric that clings desperately to her body. Any extra gust and we would all see more than we intended of what should remain hidden by cloth.
"If the girl is better now," General Kaoru's sing-song voice floats around the room. "Then I shall be returning to my eastern warriors."
"I'm sorry ma'am," my voice rasps desperately as General Kaoru leaves.
"No apologies needed," her voice soothing in each syllable. "I take it you saw them on their way?"
"Who ma'am?"
"Swamimi Daichin and my son."
"They left?"
"They were gone before we heard the sound of your fall my child."
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